Thursday, April 23, 2009

Slept a long time at the bottom of the sea

When the ship sank, this small tea bowl and saucer drifted to the bottom of the South China
Sea and stayed there for over 300 years. Today, I
took them down to the river to photograph them. But not too close. It seems unlikely they'd want anything further to do with heavy water. I haven't even been able to make myself pour tea into the cup. But I do spend a fair amount of time daydreaming about their long, long drift and sleep in the South China Sea. . .


  1. You can tell they belong with the water ... but not too close. Great picture ... it's hard to make inanimate objects show emotion, but these do!

  2. Oh, my goodness--what an amazing story. What a treasure! Thank you for sharing their tale. Wouldn't it be cool if things could talk? Have a wonderful day, my dear!
